Monday 24 July 2017

lighting and Protection


Electric shock:
It can be described as a sudden and dangerous movement of the nervous system with electrical energy.

ELECTRICAL SHOCK YOU CAN FEEL AS A FOLLOWING: When the body becomes part of the circuit and the current flows in one place and then exits another point; possible -

With both wires of the electrical circuit
With a single wire of a strong circle and ground
 With a piece of metal that has heated itself by touching a strong wire.
Electric shock:

The magnitude of the electrical shock depends on -

The level of energy flow in the body.
The current approach to the body.
The length of time the body is in the ring.
Current frequency.
The stage of the heart cycle when shock occurs.
The physical and mental state of a person

Touching an empty live driver
Touching the improperly installed driver
Open / short circuit due to resource failure
Dry electricity
The touch body of the live machine.
The Indian Electricity Regulations 1956 were amended in 1985 to include the use of the ELCB mandatory requirement of more than 5 KW of electrical load to accommodate power leaks that may cause shock.
 The key features of this ELCB are
It is currently in operation
It applies to the principle of core balance current transformer
It works even if it fails moderately.
Travel within 30 million seconds.
Free travel route - i.e. during the reset error is impossible and the trip even if forced to be held in the "ON" area.
Occupational health - more than 20,000 jobs to 63 A and more than 10,000 jobs for 80 A & 1OOAmps.
10 KA short circuit resistance. - Available up to 100A, 2 pole & 4 pole for sensitivity from 30 milli amps onwards. (100 A & 300 A sensitive materials are also available according to need.)

Types of source

  Ideal Voltage Source:  An ideal voltage source is capable to maintain the constant voltage across its terminals. The voltage across the vo...
